The general public (unbelievers) can also participate
Please feel free to join us even if it is your first time
A staff member will guide you during Sunday Mass
한국어 미사 | 제3일요일 12:30 |
Massa portuguesa | O segundo sábado 3P.M. |
English mass | 4th Sunday P.M.3:00 |
Other churches in Yamanashi Prefecture Sunday mass
Catholic Fujiyoshida Church | Sunday 9:30 | 3-5-7 Kamiyoshida, Fujiyoshida City 0555(22)3199 |
Catholic Enzan Church | Sunday 8:30 | 1351 Kamioso, Enzan, Koshu City 0553(32)1175 |
Catholic Nirasaki Church | Sunday 9:30 | 3-10-1 Wakamiya, Nirasaki City 0551(23)6011 |